Heart disease is one of the largest causes of death in the world.
The disease is characterized by disorders of the heart such as disturbances in the rhythm of the heart, heart valves, blood vessels, which can be caused by habitual or congenital from birth.Symptoms of heart disease are chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, upper body pain, fatigue, cold feet and hands, and changes in heart rate rhythm.
Heart disease usually affects people with advanced age. However, in a survey conducted in 2013, there was an increase in the number of patients with heart disease under the age of 45.
So what are the causes of heart disease at a young age? Here's the description.
1. Smoking
Smoking habits can increase the risk of having a heart attack. This is because smoke produced from burning cigarettes can damage the walls of arteries and produce plaques that cause blood flow along the arteries to become inhibited. As a result, the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the heart becomes disrupted which then triggers heart disease. This risk not only lurks among active smokers but also passive smokers who are often exposed to cigarette smoke.
2. Overweight
In overweight people, the heart is forced to work harder to pump blood which then triggers increased blood flow. This can then result in the occurrence of hypertension, which is the root of the problem in heart disease.3. History of heart disease in family members
Various studies have proven that if there are family members who have a history of heart disease, then other family members are also at risk of heart disease. But do not worry, this risk can be reduced by the application of a healthy lifestyle such as regular exercise and maintaining a diet. And most importantly, immediately contact a doctor to get the right solution.
4. Autoimmune diseases
Autoimmune can cause inflammation of the blood vessels including blood vessels in the heart. Inflammation around these blood vessels then affects impaired heart muscle function in blood pumping activity or which can then be referred to as heart failure.
5. Long QT Syndrome
This syndrome is a inherited disease that triggers disruption of heart rate rhythm. People with long QT syndrome can experience a drastic and sudden increase in heart rate that causes the sufferer to faint and can even die suddenly.
6. Abnormal heart structure
Some people are born with abnormal heart structure or can be said to be deformed from birth. This has an impact on impaired heart function that is not able to carry out its various duties properly, resulting in a number of health problems. People born with abnormal heart disease can also have symptoms such as patients with heart disease such as abnormal heart rhythms, chest pain, shortness of breath, and so on.7. Commotio cordis
Commotio cordis is actually a disease that occurs due to a hard blow in the chest that can cause ventricular vibration. Ventricular vibration is a problem that occurs when the heart beats at a very fast and irregular rhythm. In effect, the ventricle spaces in the heart tasked with pumping blood vibrate with an erratic rhythm and interfere with the activity of pumping blood.
Well, now you know what are the triggers for heart disease at a young age. All you need to do now is avoid the factors that cause the disease. If necessary, consult a doctor immediately for the treatment and prevention of heart disease.
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